Thursday, August 17, 2006

Funeral Arrangements: August-November Exhibition

CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS! We’re a little behind schedule, but we figure the dead won’t mind too much. Our upcoming exhibit is dedicated to funeral arrangements, August-November, 2006. The focus is simply on the arrangements and/or offerings prepared for funerary & memorial purposes. The emphasis is on photographic documentation, but other mediums will be considered. Submissions may be from your private collection, or, art/documentation you have produced yourself.

When submitting, please include the following:
-Your/collection name
-Title of the piece -Medium (albumen, ambrotype, etc…)
-Period/Date -Historical Notes/Origin
-Additional Notes/Credits
-JPEG (Medium-High Res) 2-5MB. (contact MOMP for formatting/digital assistance if necessary.)
-Contact information, including email & links (indicate if you want to keep your collection information public or private to MOMP viewers.)

Submit files/info to:

Please note, all accepted submission will be posted to our on-line gallery. By submitting your images, you acknowledge that you are the copyright owner, or, have explicit license to said images/submissions. Furthermore, upon submission, you grant the Museum of Mourning Photography (MOMP) permission to post, show & distribute your submission in print and digital formats. (Credit will be given to all respective owners.)Ownership of Copyright does not transfer to MOMP, only usage rights. If you have questions and/or concerns pertaining to copyright law, contact the US Copyright Office at

Due to the high volume of submissions anticipated, we will not be able to accept all entries. However, we me may retain your image/work in the digital archive.

Deadline for all submissions is August 25th.

Thanks for your support,
From all of us at The Museum of Mourning Photography

Sunday, May 21, 2006

New Exhibit

Visit the Gallery at the Museum of Mourning Photography to see our new online exhibit. Selections from the Museum Collection: May-July 2006

Our next exhibit will be focused on funeral flower arrangements, August-November, 2006. If you would like to contribute to upcoming exhibits, or have ideas for future ones, email us at

From all of us at the Museum,
Thanks for your Support,

-Anthony R. Vizzari, Director
-Andrea Wurster, Archivist
-Melissa Damasausks, Archivist
-Rob T. Oldham, Researcher

Saturday, April 01, 2006

From the Digital Archive

Young Siblings: Cased Ambrotype, Circa 1870. From the digital archive.

Friday, March 31, 2006

Recent Acquisition

Funeral Flower Arrangement: Gelatin-Silver Print, Circa 1900

Thursday, March 30, 2006

Recent Acquisition

Portrait of a Younger Man At Rest: Mounted Gelatin-Silver Print, Photographer Unknown, Circa 1920.

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Recent Acquisition

Parents and Child, hand tinted photographic celluloid botton, 6" Dia. Photographer Unknown, Circa, 1890.

Sunday, March 19, 2006


Weclome to the Museum of Mourning Photography! On this blog space we'll give you all the news on recent develpoments and upcoming events. Currently, we're in the process of seeking grants/funding for the Digital Archive Project. We'll keep you posted! Feel free to leave comments, thoughts, etc..!